For the sectional door plant NOVOFERM at the Mussum site, the employees of MALORG Consulting carried out the reorganization of the areas of production, shipping warehouse, sales and disposition. The reason for the urgent need for reorganization were capacity problems in all areas, which led to greatly increased lead times and delivery delays. The project resulted in a significant increase in shipping performance, saving resources and significantly improving the level of service.
Success stories
Reorganization of the logistics plant processes
31. May 2022, Reading time: 1 min 58 second
Creating the basis: the as-is analysis
- Analysis of actual state as basis for determination and implementation of reorganization measures
- Analysis of material flows, production capacities, order strategy, processes and document flows
- Goal: Determination of potentials in shipping warehouse, production, sales and disposition
More effectiveness in operational processing
- Derivation of short- and long-term measures for reorganization and estimation of potential
- More effective design of document flows in operational processing and introduction of the IT tool PUZZLE
- Creation of measures to increase production capacities in the short term
- Reduction of storage area by four-way narrow aisle truck
- Introduction of warehouse management system and storage location labeling
About the scan to the warehouse management system
- Storage and picking processes paperless with scanner terminals
- Prevention of search processes and deletion of shipping items by introducing capacity planning and WMS
- constant involvement of employees in the improvement process