NORDFROST is Germany’s market leader in the field of deep-freeze logistics and offers customers from the food industry and retail sector holistic, individual logistics concepts. By analyzing the transport flows, MALORG Consulting derived Herne as the optimal location and planned the new deep-freeze warehouse at this site. The project was accompanied until realization.
Success stories
Planning & realization of the Herne deep-freeze warehouse
31. May 2022, Reading time: 1 min 44 second
Initial situation & task
- Analysis of the transport flows (pre-carriage & on-carriage),
Derivation of an optimized location (western Ruhr area) - Site selection: Nordfrost’s deep-freeze logistics for the Ruhr area are to be concentrated at the Herne site to enable efficient logistics for local and long-distance traffic
- Concept planning of a compact deep-freeze warehouse with high productivity and possible low energy consumption
Procedure and result
- Special requirements (MHD, batch, deep-freeze environment) and process definitions
- Creation of different concepts for storage and picking from manual to highly automated
- Selection of the variant to be implemented and detailed planning
- Tendering and implementation support