Network planning and strategic site planning

Determination and visualization of potentials of your company and your location structure

Contact us
Netzwerkplanung & Strategische Standortplanung

Benefits of well-designed network planning:

  • Future-oriented and competitive location decisions
  • Unlocking the potential of your supply chain
  • Guaranteed cost transparency and savings
  • Stabilization of new structures, processes and technical systems
  • Optimization of your network structure

Optimized business processes in figures:

Key figures based on feedback from our customers after successful project completion

Up to


higher service level

Increase customer satisfaction and make your processes more efficient at the same time. We determine the optimal strategy, individually adapted to the potentials of your company.

Up to


Higher flexibility

Designing the processes of your logistics to be flexible and robust so that your company can respond to future market requirements in a future-proof manner and remain competitive in the long term.

Up to


Transparency increase

Make your supply chain more efficient through greater visibility and avoid supply chain disruptions to future-proof your entire value chain.




Designing your business processes in an innovative and future-oriented way. This includes the security to also master long-term challenges by optimizing current weak points.


Questions that might interest you

Are our plants and logistics sites ready for the future?

The market environment of industry and logistics is constantly changing. This makes it all the more important to have well-founded concepts that enable your company to act flexibly and set a strategic course for the future. We use special software tools and can analyze, evaluate and optimize your processes and structures in a targeted manner using these tools.

Optimize your site planning with PSIglobal

Using the PSI Global software, we identify inefficient processes and can improve your existing logistics processes and make them more efficient. With the help of the software, the complete supply chain can be controlled, optimized and thus planned.

Resulting benefits are:

Better monitoring of the process status of your logistics flows
Profitability for production and improvement of customer service
Review and optimization of interactions between production and logistics
Increase of the agility of your company
Performance improvement

Wie lässt sich durch die Lean-Methode unser Kundenservice verbessern?

Der Kunde steht bereits im Fokus Ihres Unternehmens? doch durch weiterentwickelte Strukturen passt Ihr Materialfluss nicht mehr zu den aktuellen Markt- und Kundenanforderungen? Schaffen Sie für Ihre Kunden einen Nutz- und Mehrwert und schalten Sie alle Prozesse aus, die aus Kundensicht nicht wertschöpfend sind. Sie können kostensparender produzieren und Produkte entsprechend günstiger anbieten. Unter dem Stichwort Lean Management können Sie Ihre Kunden wieder in den Mittelpunkt rücken und verschaffen Ihrem Unternehmen gleichzeitig einen Wettbewerbsvorteil.

How can your supply chain be optimized and made more economical?

Identify with us potentials that have remained unused up to now. Benefit from our experience in supply chain management. A high service level and guaranteed availability of materials and information are your key to efficient and economical business.

The goal is smooth and efficient processes in the interest of your company and your customers. Lean management concepts across your own company boundaries help to tap potential and increase value creation.

We develop customized supply chain strategies for your company and implement them together with you. We test concepts for their practicality and economic viability.

How can you further develop your logistics site?

Reorganization and further development of plant structures at the existing logistics site are associated with risks. On the one hand, the optimization measures should be close to the optimum of a greenfield solution, and on the other hand, the ongoing operations must not be disturbed by the restructuring – we develop sustainable locations for you.

Define requirements and avoid waste

Today, future-proof logistics locations are strongly characterized by the ability to deliver in the shortest possible time. In addition to developing strategic goals and corresponding concepts, we define the requirements for your plant, consider all relevant functional areas and perform space projections for logistics, production and administration. Our focus is on avoiding waste. This includes unnecessary handling steps and work-in-process (WIP) inventories.
As part of the implementation, we take over the project management and accompany you until the process is stable, so that your site and its plant contribute to the competitiveness of the entire company.

You need a detailed consultation? I will be happy to help you.


21. Juni 2022 Frankfurt am Main Praxisnaher Erfahrungsaustausch Lager Management mit SAP®
Dr.-Ing. Markus Nave

Managing Director and Senior Consultant

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