The company beeline is a specialist in the “shop-in-shop” business and retail. Well-known fashion jewelry brands are “SIX”, “I AM” and “ACC”. Due to the steady growth and the associated expansion of the business areas, an optimization of the replenishment processes to the point of sale is targeted. In order to streamline the service processes at the point of sales (POS), beeline Accessoires Vertriebs GmbH – accompanied by MALORG Consulting – introduced mobile data collection devices.
Success stories
Planning and implementation of a mobile data collection device
27. May 2022, Reading time: 1 min 50 second
Concept creation
- Creation of a target process for the service at the POS
- Analysis of weak points of the actual processes
- Determination of requirements for future processes
- Core of the target processes: simple and transparent processes, reduction of documents, voucherless and prompt recording of inventory data, simplification and execution of inventory taking
- Determination of technical requirements, product data to be stored, product performance and quality requirements
Tender and vendor selection
- Consulting during tendering and supplier discussions
- Evaluation of offers with regard to costs and fulfillment of requirements
- Support in the creation of requirements specifications, in the test phase and in rollout