As a full-range supplier, the Blomberg company offers its customers household appliances with high quality and technical innovations. Despite special technical equipment, the end user should be able to operate the products easily, quickly and without problems in everyday life. Due to the increasing competitive pressure and the simultaneously decreasing sales prices in this industry, an optimization of the assembly supply logistics was carried out in cooperation with MALORG Consulting.
Success stories
Restructuring of component production for Blomberg
31. May 2022, Reading time: 1 min 45 second
Excessive inventory burdens costs
- Analysis of current status with order data analysis
- Inventory optimization per article class on the basis of a range discussion based on the planning fundamentals
- In-house production costs too high > Capital commitment and inventory costs at an excessively high level
Logistical and economic benefits
- production supply routes too long
- no effective and efficient reaction to production and sales fluctuations possible
- minimization of handling effort and optimization of ergonomics
- Reduction of inventories and capital commitment
- Provision of in-house production articles in appropriate container sizes