NORDFROST is Germany’s market leader in the field of deep-freeze logistics and offers customers from the food industry and retail sector holistic, individual logistics concepts. At the Wilhelmshaven site, MALORG Consulting took over the planning, tendering and realization of an automated deep-freeze warehouse with automated container unloading and truck loading and unloading.
Success stories
Planning, tendering & realization of an automated TC warehouse
27. May 2022, Reading time: 1 min 40 second
Automation of telecommunications logistics with innovative systems
- Automated container unloading for 300 – 1.200 cartons/h, incl. palletizing, wrapping, labeling
- Automated truck loading and unloading for Euro and industrial pallets for trailers with built-in conveyor system
- Automated truck loading for Euro and industrial pallets for standard trailers
- Concept planning of a compact TK warehouse with high productivity and possible low energy demand
- Minimization of personnel requirements for 2- to 3-shift operation
- Selection of the variant to be implemented and detailed planning
- Tendering and selection of suppliers
- Realization support up to acceptance