CLAAS is one of the leading manufacturers of agricultural machinery. Since its restructuring, which was completed in 2003, the main plant in Harsewinkel has been one of the most modern production facilities for combine harvesters and forage harvesters in the world. Intelligent production processes and appropriate logistics ensure optimum machine utilization. MALORG Consulting was commissioned with the concept planning for the supply of the final assembly by pre-picking.
Success stories
Concept planning for the supply of the final assembly for Claas
31. May 2022, Reading time: 1 min 37 second
- Investigation of potentials with regard to increasing effectiveness and efficiency in assembly line supply
The future requirements in view
- Creation of a planning basis through data and process analysis
- Development of scenarios to map the future requirements for a central storage system
Presentation of the technology alternatives
- Technology selection and determination of the organization
- Technology alternatives dimensioned according to future requirements
- Selection and evaluation of a concept variant